29th Alumnae Meet was organized on November 14, 2022 wherein 53 alumnae participated from all over the country. Ms. Paromita Dutta (batch of 1999), Associate professor (Ophthalmology), Maulana Aazad Medical College, Delhi graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. On this day, the school welcomed our dear alumnae from different batches (1990-2022) for a day of fun and nostalgia. The Meet commenced with a welcome -note at the registration venue at the School Cafeteria from 8:30 a.m. onwards. In the process, the alumnae soak in the sights and sounds of their Alma Mater. They relived their childhood on this Children’s Day in the place where they spent some precious years of their youth. They took the school round, met their teachers, the Pastoral team, the Infirmary team, the Mess staff, the administrative members and our amazing VDJS students. Everyone embraced them whole-heartedly and was keen to hear from them about their success stories. The highlight of the meet was the Bal Mela followed by the Cultural Evening wherein alumnae from distinct fields shared their experiences. The Chief Guest addressed about her success journey with the students and staff. She also shared about the varied possibilities of career in the medical stream with the students and that how one can be benefitted from these prospective career outlooks. The Alumnae Coordinator also shared aspirations of Alumna connect as,
- Communication on regular basis to help the school maintain an alumnae database.
- To learn about the achievements and success of our alumnae and share with the larger school community.
- Creating a strong community of alumnae offering new opportunities of interaction with their family.
- Issuing Membership Registration Card to each of our alumna which will allow easy access of your visit.
Cultural Evening was a delight to the audience. Followed with the Saraswati Vandana, Solo performances, Dance Steps and Bhangra, everything was applauded on this cultural eve. The 29th Alumnae Meet concluded with a promise to reminisce the memories of the Alma Mater next year with the Jam Session, wishing all the good fortunes to the Alma Mater and prosperity and good luck for all.