International Yoga Day

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The 9th International Yoga Day was celebrated at VDJS on 21st June to celebrate the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of India- Yoga, a science of holistic well-being. The Yoga Instructor of the school, Ms Vijay Luxmi, conducted a session for the Group ‘D’ Staff on ‘how to keep oneself healthy at home with the help of Asanas’. The staff practised Surya Namaskar, Tadasana, Kati- Tadasana, Ardha- Matsyendrasana, Gomukhasana, Mandukasana, Naukasana, Bhujangasana, Anulom-Vilom, Kapal-Bhati Pranayama and many other asanas. The session came to a close with an assurance from the rejuvenated attendees that they would make Yoga a part of their daily regime. The NCC cadets of VDJS alos performed asanas along with their family members at home under the guidelines of Commanding Officer D S Malik of 3 HAR GIRLS BN NCC, Hisar.