IPSC Workshop on NEP

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VDJS staff, Ms Kamalica Bhowmick, and Ms. Sunita Verma attended an IPSC workshop on New Education Policy held at India Habitat Centre on 22nd April 2023. The theme of the session was the ‘implementation of the new education policy in the IPSC member schools’. A panel of experts from the CBSE Board spearheaded the workshop and provided insights and guidance on

how schools need to and can focus on the development of varied competencies and life skills in students with the implementation of NEP in true spirit. They also elucidated the urgency of a major shift to competency-oriented teaching, learning, and assessment, transforming assessments, tracking student progress across school years, redesigning report cards to assess the holistic development of each child, and standard setting and accreditation. The importance of professional development of the educators and multidisciplinary exposure to the students of Classes XI and XII was also emphasised. The workshop was a great opportunity for schools to understand the intricacies of the NEP and provided valuable insights into the implementation of the same.