Memory Junction – 3

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On 26th January staff and students attended edition 3 of Memory Junction. The speakers were Ms Simran Pradhan (Ex Laxmibai) and Ms Anugya Aggarwal (Ex Kasturba) from the Batch of 2014. Simran is a tax consultant for US Clients in Deloitte Tax Services India Pvt Ltd. and Anugya is a teacher at Pathways World School Gurgaon. The session was an enchanting evening with a free flow of memories along with some wonderful pieces of advice for the present students. The girls had several questions to ask ranging from school time nostalgia to college admission and career advice and the speakers had answers for all. Their former teachers Mrs Sunita Dixit, Ms Neelam Rai and Mr Dinesh Kumar also shared the memories of their association with them. The evening ended with a promise to have them on campus soon.


In edition 3 of Memory Junction I got an opportunity to interact with one of the speakers Ms. Anugya Aggrawal, who is an educator. It was indeed amazing to know about her teaching style and philosophy. Apart from that since like her, I too am a staff ward so it was fascinating to know how despite not being a boarder she had completely immersed herself in school routine and activities.

Akshita Singh (XI)

MJ-3 was a continuation of the series of interactions with our alumnae wherein I got to know about the school life and success story of two alumnae of the Batch 2014. Being a new student to grade XI commerce, helped me understand better what Boarding life at school is all about. I could see the love and deep sense of belonging that the two speakers brought with them and also witnessed the love and affection that the teachers who had taught them felt. I am sure I too will make such deep connections.

Lakshita Jain (XI)

MJ-3 was a very captivating engagement of one and half hours. Being a new student to the institution, I could learn so much about the school just by listening to them. Hearing their anecdotes and reminiscences warmed my heart and I feel lucky to be a part of such an institution.

Diya Singla (XI)

Listening to Ms Anugya helped me understand the importance of nurturing one’s passions. It is incredible how she manages to give her 100% to her job and her interest in reading, travelling and writing Shayari. When so many times we feel that we have a scarcity of time and make excuses for not being able to carry out our hobbies she just stood out as a person who had learnt to do it all. I am truly inspired and will plan my days better.

Nitya Chachan (XI)

Getting to interact with two alumnae pursuing two different paths was a unique experience. Being a commerce student listening to Ms. Simran was very enriching. Sometimes I used to wonder if opting for the Commerce Stream had been a good decision, but to see Simran di as a Tax Consultant doing such exciting work was reassuring. Of course, to see Anugya Di join the education field and be so passionate about life per se was so wonderful to see.

Anny Chowdhary (XI)

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