Motivational Talk by Mr Chander Shekhar

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A motivational talk was steered by Mr Chander Shekhar, IAS, Divisional Commissioner, Hisar on 30th August at VDJS, under the central government project, ‘Celebration of 75 Years of Independence’ for Classes VIII-XII. Mr Shekhar struck a dialogue with the attendees right at the very beginning of the session and shared the philosophy, grounded in simplicity and reality, of a healthy life,i.e. value of the money earned and the comforts of life provided by the parents, the value of human relationships, time, and self-discipline to achieve the physical, mental and spiritual progress. He accentuated the need for children to serve as crusaders for a welfare society, connecting the remote with the metros. Riveting and inspiring videos and audio highlighting the value of willpower, resilience, perseverance, determination, evolution in life, and women empowerment were also shared to promote among children the spirit of national unity and progress of all the sections of the society.