One to one career counselling for courses and colleges for grade-XII

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Two external professional super counsellors from Univariety Mr
Chetan Bhupatlal Jariwala from Surut and Ms Ramila Choksi from Mumbai with
Mr Hamid khan did career counselling with grade -XII for courses and colleges
selection in India and Abroad after -XII on 15, December.Individual Counselling
is based on Psychometric Assessment -( Branch Selection Test and Ideal Career
Choice) ,aptitude,interest,academic performance and discussion on confusion
and querries.
Students asked scope of different subjects ,eligibility criteria,admission
process,cut off,availability of jobs,changing trends, new innovative ,imerging
careers and global senario.Students from Science,Commerce and Humanities
interacted one to one and got more confident in their selected options.Students
and parents will get detailed report of their discussion and decission taken
during one to one interaction and will get details of seleted colleges on mail
through links.