A BK session for support staff of the school was organized on December 17, 2022 at BK Center Hisar in which 67 members participated. BK Sister Mukesh conducted the class on introduction and identification of true self and the connection with ALMIGHTY. Session on importance of thoughts was conducted by BK Vandana didi and BK Bhai Dr. Ramprakash. After that everyone enjoyed the “TOLI PRASAD.” Then next session was based on impact of quality of thoughts and our connectivity with our thoughts which was conducted by BK Mahesh Bhai. In the end everyone received the blessings of Center In charge BK Ramesh didi in the form of her pearls of wisdom and “SAUGAT” from BABA’S home. She emphasized on purity of thoughts and empowering oneself with continuous intake of positive thoughts. So everyone must feed their souls with positive thoughts and GOD’s versions on regular basis. Everyone was amazed to know the power of thoughts and happily accepted the fact that whatever change they wished to see in the outer world that should happen first at the level of thoughts. It was an enriching session for all.
सेंटर का शांतिपूरण वातावरण दिल को छू जाता है।
दीपक भैया
दीदी की सारी बातें मन को शांति देने वाली हैं।
बलराम भैया
यहाँ आकर हमें बहुत अच्छा लगा और हमें अपने विचारों पर ध्यान देना होगा।
आत्माराम भैया
ये बात बहुत अच्छी लगी कि सकारात्मक सोच रखने से हमारे आसपास भी सबकुछ बदलने लगता है।
सुखदेव भैया