Round Square Annual Regional Meeting of South Asia & Gulf, 2021

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Principal Ms Shalini Mehrotra, RS Representative Ms Aradhna Malik along with Ms Neelam Sharma attended the Round Square Annual Regional Meeting (virtual) of South Asia and Gulf Region hosted by Millennium School, Dubai from 4th to 5th February 2021. The meeting saw representation from each of the 61 member schools. The two days session comprised keynote talks, sharing of Best Practices, welcome of new members, a debrief of RS initiatives during the pandemic and the way forward in the times to come.

The Heads of a few schools shared their experiences on wellbeing and wellness Practices that they had adopted at their respective schools during Covid. Principal Ms Shalini Mehrotra gave a presentation along with Ms Padmini Sambasivam (Head of Welham Girls) on the topic “Strategies for student wellbeing”

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