On 12th February Principal, Ms. Shalini Mehrotra and RS Representative Ms Aradhna Malik attended the Round Square Annual Regional Meeting (virtual) of South Asia and Gulf Region. The meeting which was attended by 61 member schools was jointly hosted by RS Central & Shirakatsy Lyceum School, Armenia.
All the members were updated about the virtual functioning of Round Square events and were informed about the important upcoming events. CEO Round Square Rachael Westgarth congratulated all the schools of the region for their enthusiastic participation in collaborative events, zoom postcards, virtual conferences, student exchanges, etc. during the pandemic. Details of RSIC 2022 which will be organised at Oxford University with the theme ‘Take Less: Be More’ were also shared.
This was followed by a very informative Good Practice Sharing Session conducted by the Heads and Reps of a few schools of the region.Other significant things that were taken up in the meeting related to the upgraded version of the RS Website, the implementation of the new Module “Coaching Compass’’