On Wednesday, 10th February four students of Class IX -Aasmi Jain, Anoushka Agarwal, Shriya Khetan and Riya Goyal along with Dean of Activities Ms Puja Pant attended the RS Zoom Postcard from The Doon School. The theme was Democracy and how it relates to situations and scenarios around. The participants from all across the world shared their views on how democracy functions in their respective schools with student councils being the main focus of discussion. Moving from local to global the session also focused on what the concept means at a macro level, how it has been misinterpreted on a personal and societal level, the aim to create global Samaritans and how democracy can be strengthened. Students expressed themselves with great confidence and clarity and the insightful discussions helped them widen their understanding of democracy as a concept.
VDJS Wins Silver at the Silver Jubilee Young Thinkers Commemorative Conclave
VDJS Wins Silver at the