Under – 17 Indian National Team Coaching Camp ( UPDATED)

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Under – 17 Indian National Team Coaching Camp

A proud moment for VDJS community!! A team of five Jindalites participated in the scratch selection for the Under – 17 Indian National Team Coaching Camp organised on 23rd January at Tau Devi Lal Stadium Ground, Gurugram. 88 students from the various districts of Haryana participated in the competition. Praneeta Khemka of Class VIII was selected as a part of the squad of 28 players from the Haryana Region for the National Team Coaching Camp, and she further qualified and got selected for the U-17 Indian National Women Team Coaching Camp to be held at Chennai. If selected, she would be a part of the U-17 National Indian Football Team for the International  Tournament in Jordan. Heartiest congratulations Praneeta!