VDJS Creates History in the Annals of the CBSE All India Senior Secondary School Examination 2024!!!

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Students of Vidya Devi Jindal School surpassed all expectations with a fantastic performance in the Class XII CBSE Board Examinations. Megha Jain, topped Grade XII by securing 99.2% in the Science Stream, bagging the coveted position of VDJS ‘Overall Topper- 2023-24’. Tamanna Sehrawat, topped Humanities, with 98.8% and Riddhi Gupta, emerged as the Commerce Topper with 97.4%.

The talisman of hard work, perseverance, and rigorous practice to conquer every doubt and reach the pinnacle of their potential, has bestowed Jindalites with phenomenal success in Class XII CBSE Board Results for the session

2023-24, with 64 students scoring 90% and above, 95 students scoring 85% & above. It’s a moment of great pride and honour as the class average is 88.7% and 100 Jindalites earned a distinction for their stellar performance.
The success story of Jindalites reached its zenith as the performance of 41 Jindalites surpassed every benchmark to secure centum, with 16 in Instrumental Music, 8 in Painting, 6 in Geography, 3 in Psychology, 2 in Sociology, and I in Accountancy.

Heartiest congratulations to the achievers and their proud parents and teachers for being a perennial repository of strength, and faith to fuel the confidence and energy of Jindalites in their final journey at VDJS!!!