Class IX students, accompanied by 10 teachers, visited the CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. Dr. Somya Jigyasa welcomed the students and introduced the students about the CSIR- NPL. She said that in NPL, research related to Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Electronics is conducted. CSIR-NPL has several labs, and many days are required to visit allthe labs. Four groups of students were made, and each group of students visited the following labs there:Thin film lab, sensor lab, waste management lab and Helium and nitrogen lab. Visiting the laboratory was a great experience and the students got to learn a lot of newthings. The laboratory was well equipped and staff was very knowledgeable. The student hada very enriching experience and learned a lot of new things. Towards the end of the day, everyone was led to the NPL cafeteria where they had lunch and then headed towards theirbusses for the return journey. Overall, everyone had a quality experience and we wish to visit NPL and like institution again in the future.