On 26th July, ‘Kargil Vijay Diwas’ was celebrated by the school NCC Cadets with full patriotic fervour. They conducted a special online assembly featuring a Musical tribute, followed by the powerful recitation of a patriotic poem, a video presenting the complete story of Kargil war and a PowerPoint presentation on Kargil War Memorial and Gallantry Award Winners. At the outset, Cadet Simran Rawat administered the pledge. A poster- making competition and an online Quiz were the other attractions. Addressing the students online, the Principal exhorted the students to be good citizens and serve the nation in their own capacities as all are not privileged to get a chance to wear a uniform. The programme ended with the NCC song.
VDJS Wins Silver at the Silver Jubilee Young Thinkers Commemorative Conclave
VDJS Wins Silver at the