On 22nd December, MyPeegu conducted a Teacher Training Webinar on ‘Six Thinking Hats’. The resource person Mr Chetan (Psychologist and CEO of MyPeegu) elucidated the importance of out of the box thinking in both professional and personal life through donning Six Thinking Hats. He emphasised on using brainstorming sessions as a useful tool for resolution of problems. He explained this with the help of 6 colourful hats -where white hat means facts, red hat means emotions/feelings, yellow hat stands for identifying usefulness of an idea, blue hat means process of thinking needed, black hat means cautions, difficulties, dangers, spotting the risks & weaknesses and green hat means creativity. The staff understood how a wise and judicious use of these hats will simplify thinking and yield optimum outcomes of a great teamwork.
VDJS Wins Silver at the Silver Jubilee Young Thinkers Commemorative Conclave
VDJS Wins Silver at the