National Innovation Challenge at PIET

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National Innovation Challenge at PIET

Krishika Agarwal and Arshia from VDJS participated in the Ideathon-Spardha co-hosted by Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology (PIET) and AICTE-Idea Lab. 600 teams from 120 schools and 34 Engineering colleges across 12 different states submitted their entries. VDJS team got selected for the National Level and represented VDJS in the National Innovation Challenge at PIET on December 10, 2022. Mr Biswajit Saha, Technical Director, Skill Education, CBSE,  joined the event virtually as a Chief Guest.

Our team’s ideas and presentation were  appreciated by the  judges and visitors. Students also got to know the Ideas of their peers and the innovations done by Engineering College students. Overall it was a great learning experience.

The Ideas Submitted by Team VDJS are:

Krishika Agarwal  – Foster care App (For those who have lost their parents due to any reason and for those elders who do not have their children with them, and for the disabled people)

Arshia – Potable Urination Bag (for travelling to the places where clean toilets are not available)