Greetings Sorority,
As I write this message here today, a microscopic element is playing out as the gravest crisis for humanity, making it to the headlines of the New Yorker’s satirical humour reading, ‘You know times are tough when a rugged voice saying ‘We are all in this together’ dubbed over footage of an S.U.V. snaking down a mountain road is comforting’ and yet what it’s done to us is beyond my rationale.
It’s integrated the living and the dead, the young and the old, people of all colours, castes, creeds, and genders, with the same string to hold. And therefore, in the post-crisis world, I see a future that is bleakly rich, devoid of normalcy yet brimming with change.
Even when this predicament has unfolded the ‘survival of the fittest’ card before us, I can’t fail to see a flickering light at the end of the tunnel. And therefore, now is the time to halt and plan for the road never travelled for it is indeed the best of times and the worst of times, but not a tale of two cities, rather one of a dying world.
Nevertheless, I feel immense pride in leading an establishment of such resilient learners who have at all times, put together the best of their efforts to sail through the tide. As I remember Will Smith’s words,’ There ain’t no problem that some other dude didn’t have 1,000 years ago’, I believe that this year’s diversity of catastrophes has made us learn more than grieve. And as a mind stretched by new experiences can never revert to its old dimensions, we, you, and I, have emerged stronger.
There are indeed many disappointments as my team of Prefects, and I reflect on the year that could have gone as vigorous as planned. We were all excitedly loaded to bring in novel changes, infuse fresh ideas, challenge and be challenged in return, but alas that was not to be. Regardless, not the ones to give up, we have stayed connected with the student body, albeit virtually, trying to continuously expand the range of experiences and opportunities that they can enjoy and avail in the given scenario and have done our utmost to coordinate all the previously calendared events, be it academics, sports or extra-curricular, along with providing any mentorship that was possible long distance.
Therefore, we ask you too, to fight a good fight in this time of turmoil, as a ship may be safe in harbour, but that’s not what ships are for.
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